Floating reamer
  • Floating reamer

Floating reamer

Floating reamer (floating reamer) usually has two kinds of understandings in the field of mechanical processing. The first understanding is that the reamer can float in the axial direction or swing in the vertical space or have both kinds of floating at the same time. It should be noted that the floating reamer is completely different from the floating boring cutter. Boring is the rotation of the workpiece while reaming is the rotation of the tool. The second understanding is adjustable reamer, the diameter of which can be slightly adjusted; we believe that the first understanding is closer to the meaning of "floating" in floating reamers.

Key words:

浮动铰刀 铰刀


Key words:

Tool matrix-Fixture matrix


Product Description

A large number of high-precision, high surface quality hole processing needs to make the use of high-precision reaming greatly increased.
Reamer manufacturers are constantly striving to improve the quality and accuracy of their products to meet these specific needs.
Although the accuracy of machine tools continues to improve, it is still a very difficult problem for the spindle of the machine tool and the hole to be reamed to achieve a high concentricity.
One of the most important and most difficult reasons for this problem is the concentricity deviation of the spindle caused by the heating of the machine tool bearings.
As you know, to get holes andmachine tool spindleThe high-precision concentricity requires the reamer to perfectly extend into the hole and ensure that it is not subject to any radial force.floating reamer handleIt is designed for this purpose.
At the same time, the floating reamer shank also compensates for errors in the workpiece installation, reamer, etc. in the horizontal axis or in the vertical space.
Floating reamer for boring and milling machine, CNCmachining centerMachine tools or turning-milling compound center machine tools are used in occasions that require high-precision reaming. Widely usedautomobile engineMarine engine and hydraulic, medical, energy and other fields;

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