Ultrasonic vibration tool holder processing system
The ultrasonic vibration tool holder processing system has made breakthroughs in the fields of aerospace, 3C electronic products and other processing and manufacturing fields, including the adaptability of the vibration processing system and machine tools, automatic tracking of ultrasonic resonance frequencies, amplitude stability control, resonance matching of ultrasonic vibration systems, and brazing. Core technologies such as superabrasive tool manufacturing and core component processing precision control methods.
Key words:
Key words:
Tool matrix-Fixture matrix
Product Description
The ultrasonic vibration tool holder processing system has made breakthroughs in the fields of aerospace, 3C electronic products and other processing and manufacturing fields, including the adaptability of the vibration processing system and machine tools, automatic tracking of ultrasonic resonance frequencies, amplitude stability control, resonance matching of ultrasonic vibration systems, and brazing. Core technologies such as superabrasive tool manufacturing and core component processing precision control methods.
Suitable for: dry processing of ceramic matrix composite materials, ceramic matrix composite robot hole making, composite material/metal laminated structure hole making, deep hole processing of difficult-to-machine materials, etc. It has ultra-high surface finish and ultra-precision processing characteristics.
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